Couch Coaster
The Ultimate Drink Holder For Your Sofa
It's the end of the day. You pour yourself a drink, sit back, relax and put your feet up. The only problem is that your drink now seems miles away - on the coffee table, on the floor or maybe it's balancing nervously on the sofa arm?
CouchCoaster is designed to keep your drink safely next to you - just where you always wanted it! It's ideal for the whole family and works with mugs, tumblers, bottles and cans.
CouchCoaster is 'sofa-ready' for a variety of shapes and sizes of sofa arm. Simply place CouchCoaster over your sofa arm, set your drink down and get comfortable!
Product Features
Silicone body wraps
around your sofa arm
Weighted band for optimum balance
One size fits all drinks - hot or cold!
Suitable for children
and adults
Available in a range of colours to suit your sofa